Recognizing Bacterial Issues in Your Well Water System

Recognizing Bacterial Issues in Your Well Water System

Recognizing Bacterial Issues in Your Well Water System

Did you know that your water well can be the perfect environment for aerobic bacteria? The oxygen that is located at the upper reaches of your well can create the ideal environment for aerobic bacteria to grow. In turn, this can result in a large amount of slime and entrapped minerals within your well. Some minerals that commonly become entrapped thanks to aerobic bacteria include oxidized iron and manganese. In turn, these materials can clog your system and create all types of problems for your household and its water system.

Similarly, the debris that is created from this bacterial activity can become accumulated at the bottom of your well. The resulting chemical reactions caused by this bacterial activity can lead to this part of the well becoming depleted of oxygen. This can ultimately lead to the production of anaerobic bacteria, which is the bacteria that is responsible for creating the fishy taste that can develop in water. It can also result in methane gas or the production of a variety of undesirable odors.

To learn more about bacteria in your well, contact Apex Drilling today!


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