Dealing with Encrustation in Your Water Well

Dealing with Encrustation in Your Water Well

Dealing with Encrustation in Your Water Well

If you own a water well, you may have heard of the term “encrustation”. But, what exactly is encrustation and how can this problem be addressed?

Encrustation is a process that leads to the formation of a coating or a “crust” on the well intake or on the casing of your well. In most cases, this crust is formed by either biological or chemical reactions that have taken place within the well itself. 

Removing the crust that forms from encrustation requires a professional cleaning. Some homeowners attempt to address the issue on their own with the use of chlorine, but this is not a long-term solution and can actually create additional problems for your system. While it may temporarily resolve issues related to taste and odor, using chlorine to treat the issue leaves behind organic materials and other debris that can be problematic. 

To learn more about encrustation and how to address it with your well, contact Apex Drilling today!

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